Your School Community Council Needs You!
As our children reach adolescence, it’s natural and healthy for them to become more engaged with their friends and to seek every opportunity they can to increase their level of independence. As parents, this can mean we lose touch with what’s happening in their lives—including what’s happening at school.
The Balfour Collegiate School Community Council (SCC) is a group of parents who meet with school staff throughout the year to promote the learning success and well-being of all Balfour students, and to provide advice and recommendations regarding educational issues.
Every parent and guardian is welcome to be a part of the Balfour Collegiate SCC. The SCC is a great way to stay connected with what’s happening at the school and to participate in the success of our school and students. Research shows that parents’ educational interest and participation increases students’ success in school.
Email: balfourcollegiatescc@gmail.com if interested in joining!